Design and information preparation for production
The purpose of Woodwork for Inventor
Installation, activation and license transfer between machines
System requirements
Autodesk Inventor project settings
Asset Wizard
Design style requirements
Skeleton Dress Up
Skeleton Dress Up with panels
Panel copying
Trimming the panels
Mitering the panels
Body conversation
Managing visibility of skeleton bodies
Materials and part workpieces
Working with material and color names
Types of workpieces and materials
Color and palette items
Part and blank size calculations
Cover position in the part with respect to fill grain direction
Material parameters for CNC and cutting parts from a single sheet
Material assignment command
Palette creation and control of their content
Creation of materials
Grain direction adjustment
Workpiece oversize adjustment
Material refresh
Designing composite parts
Edge body generator
Holes notes
Holes note template
Creating a holes note template
Entering additional fields for holes notes
Holes annotation placement
iBox components
Creating and publishing iBox components
Inserting iBox components
Refreshing iBox components
Joint arrangement in the assembly model
Matching configurations of iComponents
Automatic generation of mortises and tenons
Assembly copying
Starting the command and navigating in the program window
Opening the assembly to be copied
Creation of component sets
Selecting location for copying
Using renaming schemes
Pack and Go
Component reuse
Selecting copying task options
Visibility control
Part visibility and access control
Renaming side browser nodes
BOM generator
Data collection and processing in Woodwork for Inventor
Woodwork for Inventor model data structure and data retrieval using keywords
BOM and table types
BOM template format
Material replacement
Transfer of drawing positions to Woodwork for Inventor BOM
Work and navigation in the BOM generator window
Description of information displayed on the screen
Configuration of displayed columns
Merging BOM of several products
BOM header data
BOM generator settings
Replacement configuration
Entering replacement values from MS Excel worksheet
Drawings generator
Autoplotting bundles
Creating Autoplot templates
General settings for the visualisation of components in a drawing
Assembly visualisation in a drawing
Visualisation of parts in a drawing
Output area
Arrangement of parts views
Markup of covers
Range box dimensioning
Holes dimensions
Holes table configuration
Holes table keywords
Holes table placement
Holes table item definition
Holes indexing by side and type
Holes index name reservations
Holes note definition
Tolerance output definition
Holes dimensioning
Output of multiple components to one sheet
Output drawing bundle
Export options
Drawing refresh
Setting up drawing refresh parameters
Drawing refresh function
Additional drawing setup commands
Cover marking
Holes annotation placement in a drawing
Automatic holes center marking
System settings
Working with CNC
Purpose of the CAM module
Activation of the CAM software module
Explanation of the terms used in the description
Opening CAM environment and stages of workflow
CNC machine description
CNC machines
CNC machine configuration command
CNC machine configuration
Tool Pool content editing
Job creation
Part clamping into CNC machine (CNC router)
Part clamping command
CNC operations
Command description
Operation visualization and control in the side browser
Command description
Operation visualization and control in the side browser
Command description
Operation visualization and control in the side browser
Command description
Operation visualization and control in the side browser
Command description
Operation visualization and control in the side browser
Changing the order of operations priority
Preliminary "Nesting"
Opening and controlling preliminary "Nesting" program
CNC technology generator
Part clamping solution
Configuring behavior of CAM solver
General CAM settings
Part workpiece clamping settings
Drilling operation settings
Milling operation settings
Pocketing operation settings
Grooving operation settings
Cutting operation settings
Preliminary "Nesting" settings
The direction for base plane search
Automatic CNC technology generation
Deleting CNC technologies
CNC program generation
Integration with Autodesk Vault system
Requirements for Autodesk Inventor project
Autodesk Vault integration at file meta-data level
Autodesk Vault integration at BOM level
Autodesk Vault integration procedure at file meta-data level
Autodesk Vault integration procedure at BOM level