The user may select a range of options for the copying command controlling the command operational features.
The option selection is opened by clicking the button.
A window will appear containing four tabs:
1. Tree counter options - controls derived component naming rules used when applying a tree hierarchy renaming scheme.
2. Columns - controls what component iProperties have to be represented in the assembly content display window.
3. Under the hood - allows adjusting assembly creation, quick component representation and language options.
4. About - presents information about the program.
The Assembly Copier, while performing the copying process, is able to gather not only the assembly constraints for copying but also the constraints occurring in the parts that are created using the Autodesk Inventor derivation mechanism.
As it is already known, there are two possible derivation cases in Autodesk Inventor:
The Assembly Copier can follow any of the two methods below: 1 and 3 - Change values as for ordinary files - allowing the numbering of such parts and assemblies as if they constituted one more level of assembly. 2 and 4 - Apply custom rules – applying a prefix or suffix to the name created by the user for such components.
If you check the box next to the iProperty component tab, its column will be shown in the assembly content display window and here the user will be able to manipulate the values of this property.
In the Assembly Copier you can request that the content of component drawings be analyzed during the copying/renaming process. Depending on what components are displayed in this content, you can modify the values of the drawing default data fields. This can be done by attaching a specified prefix or suffix. For example, you want that the drawings representing the assemblies had the prefix AB (assembly drawing) in their file name.
a. Description - component name column. b. New File Name - new file name column. c. New folder - catalog name column of the new copying location. d. Part Number – component code column.
2. The space where available prefix and suffix values are defined. a. Drawing containing single Part - the prefix or suffix for the drawing representing a single part. b. Drawing containing single Assembly - the prefix or suffix for the drawing representing a single assembly. c. Drawing containing single Presentation - the prefix or suffix for the drawing representing a single presentation. d. Drawing width multiple references - the prefix or suffix for the drawing containing projections to different components.
This tab presents information about the program and license status. |