Adding symbols to labels and selecting a sheet template

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Labels & Sheet templates - this tab is used to set what symbols will represent different label types and specify what sheet template will be used for a component drawing.


Labels And Sheets


1. Selecting a (*.idw) file containing symbols required to represent label information. For Woodwork for Inventor, such symbol file is located at C:\Users\Public\Documents\Woodwork for Inventor 2014 v5\Auto Plot templates\Symbols.idw. The user may indicate a different file where symbol created by him are stored.

2. Area in which all possible label options are provided supporting the visualization of Woodwork for Inventor information in the drawing. Currently, the following labels of this type are available:

a. Assembly Base View - label for the export of the main assembly parameters: assembly code and assembly name. The label is only exported for the base view.

b. Part Base View - label for the export of the main part parameters: part code and part name, fill material name, dimensions, etc.

c. Veneer - label for the export of information about veneer or film material.

d. Edge Band - label for the export of information about edge band material.

e. Paint – label for the export of information about paint coating.

f. Grain on Top - a symbol representing the fill grain direction where the main face of the part is pointed toward the observer. It is important in setting the right, left, front and back sides of the part. Click here for more information.

g. Grain on bottom - a symbol representing the fill grain direction where the main face of the part is pointed away from the observer.

h. No Grain on Top - a symbol representing a direction based on which the blank size of the part is calculated if the main face of the part is pointed toward the observer.

i. No Grain on Bottom - a symbol representing a direction based on which the blank size of the part is calculated if the main face of the part is pointed away from the observer.

j. Holes Coordinate System - a symbol representing the starting point of the holes coordinate system based on which the coordinates of all holes to be placed in the holes table are calculated.


3. Area in which the user can select which sheet formats in the template file will be used when creating a component drawing. Here two possible options can be selected:

a. For Part or Multiple components output - selecting a format for part or multiple component output in a single sheet.

b. For Assembly - selecting a sheet format for assembly component output.


4. Area in which the user can set the field by which the name of the output sheet/file will be created. Options available:

a. By Part Number - when creating a name, a component iProperty field Part Number is used as a basis.

b. By Description - when creating a name, a component iProperty field Description is used as a basis. If the name is used repeatedly (e. g. the name “Side”), additional number index is given to the repeated name.



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