API for material handling

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Before you implement your ideas in the add-on, carefully examine how the material assignment, texture and oversize control mechanisms work.


For a description of the properties and methods of Material API objects, see the documentation:

C:\Users\Public\Documents\Woodwork for Inventor\<Inventor Version>\v15\SDK\API\Woodwork for Inventor API Help.chm


You will also find a detailed description of how to connect the Woodwork for Inventor API libraries when developing applications in iLogic, VBA and C#.


This chapter describes how you can use the objects provided by the Woodwork for Inventor API to create your own applications that manipulate Woodwork for Inventor materials.

The API allows:

1.Scan the materials assigned to a part or its faces.

2.Assign materials taken from the Woodwork for Inventor material database.

3.Manage material textures.

4.Manage oversizes of workpieces.


The description includes the following sections:


API object model

Sample API applications