Grain direction and oversize control

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As mention in the section about the calculation of part and workpiece size, two factors have direct impact on the size of workpiece used to produce a constructed part of furniture. These are grain direction of the material and additional oversize assigned by the user for performance of one or the other operation. Woodwork for Inventor has a command that allows the user to control these factors.


To open the command, go to:

Woodwork Design –> Material –> Grain grain_direction32


In this case, the command is activated using an active grain control TAB.


Grain Control TAB




Woodwork Design –> Material –> Workpiece Oversize material_oversize32


In this case, the command is activated using an active oversize control TAB.


Oversize Dialog TAB



In any case, the active tab can be changed and grain adjustment and oversize assignment tasks may be performed without closing the command.


hmtoggle_plus1Working with sets
hmtoggle_plus1Grain direction control
hmtoggle_plus1Oversize control
hmtoggle_plus1Changing the reference face
hmtoggle_plus1Changing the direction of part size calculation