Visibility control

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When designing an assembly, you can use the Woodwork for Inventor add-on to relatively group all components into three categories:


1. Simple Autodesk Inventor components.

2. Components having a Woodwork for Inventor material assigned to them.

3. Purchased products.  


In some design stages, it is convenient to enable or disable the components of selected type and change their visibility collectively. This allows the user to navigate in the design content easier. Remembered view representation statuses can be used in creating drawings. For example, it is convenient to disable Woodwork for Inventor parts in one go and later change the configuration of the inserted iComponents. On one hand, this allows the user to see the entire design context; on the other hand, this helps the user to reach iParts in the middle of the furniture item.


Another important aspect is the view that the constructor sees in the side browser. Each node of the side browser acquires a component name. This name corresponds to the file in which a component was saved. During construction, the component acquires a new Part Name and Description or a different iProperty component tab field value which can be conveniently seen in the side browser node representing each component.


You may find more detailed information about the commands in the following sections:


Part visibility and access control

Renaming side browser nodes