Holes table keywords

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If the user does not have a holes table template in their drawing template, a table of the specified format is inserted in the drawing by default. However, various types of holes tables are required in the manufacturing process. The user of Woodwork for Inventor can create their own holes table template and use it when they need to set up a part drawing.


Holes table template is presented as a regular Autodesk Inventor general table. This table has to be inserted in the Woodwork for Inventor drawing template. The table includes several items that help Woodwork for Inventor to identify it as a holes table template.



Hole Table Initial template



The table must include at least:


1.Holes header containing <HOLES-TABLE> keyword. The user can provide the desired table name next to the keyword. For example, Löcher Tisch<HOLES-TABLE>. When a drawing is generated, Löcher Tisch will appear in the header.

2.Next, the desired holes table columns are created in the table.

3.The first row is used for keywords according to which Woodwork for Inventor gathers the required information about holes and exports it to a table, when a drawing is generated.


Woodwork for Inventor shape interpreter analyses the geometry of a part and collects information about all holes in the part. Then, it uses keywords from the holes table template to generate the appropriate holes table in the drawing. The operating principle of this interpreter is similar to that behind the output of holes notes. To create the contents of a note, combined keyword <HNOTE> is used (see the Holes notes section).


Currently, Woodwork for Inventor supports the following holes table keywords:


Hole Keywords



Hole Index name


Hole type


Hole side

Hole definition Keywords


Hole diameter


Hole diameter tolerance


Hole depth


Hole depth tolerance

Counter Bore definition Keywords


Counterbore diameter


Counterbore diameter tolerance


Counterbore depth


Counterbore depth tolerance

Counter Sink definition Keywords


Countersink diameter


Countersink diameter tolerance


Countersink angle


Countersink angle tolerance


Countersink depth

Generalized Counter form of Hole definition Keywords


Counter (bore and sink) diameter


Counter (sink or bore) depth

Positioning and orientation Keywords


X coordinate


Y coordinate


Z coordinate        


Angle to x axis


Angle to plane

Quantity Keywords





Hole note quantity

Hole annotation additional fields Keywords


The additional field1


The additional field2


The additional field3


The additional field4


The additional field5

Consolidated Keywords


Hole note


Main hole description


Counter hole description



hmtoggle_plus1Exporting holes position information to a table
hmtoggle_plus1Combined keywords