System settings

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System settings allow the user to adjust the operation settings of the Woodwork for Inventor add-on


To open the command, go to:


Woodwork Design –> Help –> Settings settings32



The command has four tabs used to adjust the following operational aspects of Woodwork for Inventor:



hmtoggle_plus1BOM - Specification settings


BOM settings



1. Prefix for Code - sets prefix for the code.


Workpiece - field used to indicate a desired prefix for the workpiece code. In Woodwork for Inventor, each part consists of workpieces (click here for more information). These workpieces automatically acquire the same code as that of the part including an additional prefix the meaning of which is entered in the field described herein.


Composite Material - field used to indicate a desired prefix for the code of the part workpiece glued from other parts. Woodwork for Inventor part workpieces can be designed from several parts consisting of workpieces (click here for more information). These workpieces automatically acquire the same code as that of the material assigned to it including an additional prefix the meaning of which is entered in the field described herein.


2. Prefix for Name - sets prefix for the name.


Workpiece - field used to indicate a desired prefix for the workpiece name. In Woodwork for Inventor, each part consists of workpieces (click here for more information). These workpieces automatically acquire the same name as that of the part including an additional prefix the meaning of which is entered in the field described herein.


Composite Material - field used to indicate a desired prefix for the name for the part workpiece glued from other parts. Woodwork for Inventor part workpieces can be designed from several parts consisting of workpieces (click here for more information). These workpieces automatically acquire the same name as that of the material assigned to it including an additional prefix the meaning of which is entered in the field described herein.


Woodwork for Inventor has an option of writing different data created during BOM generation in parts from the model of which this data was calculated. Examples would include part length or part width.  On another hand, you can indicate to the system that the data written in the part as Custom iProperty can be included in a BOM. This is performed by providing a data field linking map in the Specify Mapping area.



you want to transfer data from the BOM to the part, first, in the Woodwork for Inventor BOM property column (seen as number 5 in the figure) you have to enter a BOM keyword the value of which you want to export to the Customer iProperty field of the part. Once you enter the keyword, the data flow direction automatically changes in this field (seen as number 4 in the figure). In the Custom iProperty column (seen as number 3 in the figure), you must enter the name selected by the user and best describing the exported parameter. When Woodwork for Inventor BOM generator is used, the aforesaid Custom iProperty fields are automatically created for the part and the appropriate values are assigned to them.
If you want to use Custom iProperty parameter value in the BOM being generated, you have to register Custom iProperty as Woodwork for Inventor data. This is done by entering Custom iProperty name in the column number 3.  A keyword will be automatically created in the Woodwork for Inventor BOM property field (seen as number 5). Once this keyword is entered in the desired location of the BOM template, Custom iProperty value will be exported to the BOM. Data flow direction will remain unchanged, i.e. from the part to the BOM.


The figure provided shows how the calculated part size is returned to the part Custom iProperty fields. In the last row, the datum from the ERP system may be included in the BOM using the keyword on the right.


6.Write BOM data to mapped iProperties on save - writing Woodwork for Inventor data to Custom iProperties at the time of saving the file.


7.Write BOM data to mapped iProperties on BOM close - writing Woodwork for Inventor data to Custom iProperties at the time of closing the BOM generator.


8.Write Header data to Assembly document - sets the option using which the data contained in the BOM are described as the BOM header so that they can be written to the assembly component. Later, this allows using the data in Woodwork for Inventor drawing templates by entering the appropriate keywords in the desired locations. AutoPlot command interprets these keywords and automatically exports the data to generated drawings.


9.Use Vault Functionality - allows enabling/disabling Woodwork for Inventor functionality used to integrate data in Autodesk Vault Professional. Woodwork for Inventor recognizes the project type and automatically enables the functionality used to automatically generate BOMs of an element containing Woodwork for Inventor data. However, when working with Autodesk Vault Basic, this functionality is not necessary; integration at the file meta data level is sufficient. Integration at item data level causes problems, if this Autodesk Vault configuration is selected; therefore, there is an option that allows disabling this functionality.



hmtoggle_plus1Design settings in Autodesk Inventor


W4INV Design Settings



Materials Database path - specifies the location in which the Woodwork for Inventor material database is placed. Its default location is:

C:\Users\Public\Documents\Woodwork for Inventor\2018\v8\Materials.sdf


If several designers work for the same organization, it is recommended to keep a centralized database. If this is the case, the database will be stored on the server and will have the assigned path.



This section defines the hole parameters used for automatic creation of CNC technologies and hole tables for drawings.


Max Hole Diameter

The maximum diameter setting of cylindrical surface considered to be a hole. This parameter can also be accessed via the behavior settings of CNC technology generator.


Max Hole Depth

The maximum depth setting of cylindrical surface that is also considered to be a hole. This parameter can also be accessed via the behavior settings of CNC technology generator.


Centering Hole diameter

The hole diameter setting, which is also considered to be a centering drill operation. This parameter can also be accessed via the behavior settings of CNC technology generator.



Sets the drilling depth applied for centering operation. In this situation, the hole depth found in the model will not be taken into account. This parameter can also be accessed via the behavior settings of CNC technology generator.



This section defines various coloring aspects, where it is necessary to support Woodwork for Inventor job.



Sets the color for the representation of workpieces, when working with Workpiece Oversize command.



Sets the color for the representation of oversizing, when working with Workpiece Oversize command.


Highlight colors for covers and pre-mill allowance for edge banding

Setting color used to highlight edge bands, depending on the thickness of edge band, when the edge band highlighting is activated in the Material Assignment command. It is also possible to define automatically additional oversizing for the workpiece here, if the pre-mill is performed immediately before edge banding. Each edge band can be assigned an individual pre-milling depth.




Defines the maximum thickness for the highlighting of the edge band using the selected color.




Defines the color.



Pre-Mill Alovance

Defines the applied oversize for the workpiece edge banded with the edge band of the specified thickness.


Skeleton dress up

This section defines parameters for automatic naming of part bodies in skeleton modeling.

Default Panel Solid Body Name

Entering the base of a body name, which will be automatically be assigned, when a new panel is created using skeleton modeling.

Include Skeleton Solid Body name to Panel Name

Setting an option, which includes the name of skeleton, to which the panel belongs, in the panel name.


Face texture rotation

Depending on the texture direction of the material, when working with materials, Woodwork for Inventor rotates the texture for each individual part face. This requires high capacity of the computer. The load can be adjusted by eliminating smaller faces from the rotation function or turning off the texture rotation function. The further to the left you move the scroll box, the larger faces are eliminated from the rotation algorithm.


hmtoggle_plus1Language settings


In this section you may select the language for Woodwork for Inventor. To enable the selected language, you have to close and re-start the Autodesk Inventor program.



hmtoggle_plus1Ribbon - on/off of additional commands in a Woodwork Design ribbon


Additional Ribbon Tools



Allows enabling/disabling additional commands in Woodwork for Inventor toolbar, which facilitate the assignment of materials.


Show Icons Only - disables output of commands explaining items in the toolbar.



hmtoggle_plus1Units settings


In this window you will see a unit settings dialog presented in the form of a hierarchical tree structure.


Units are displayed in the form of a hierarchical tree. Unit settings selected in the higher level will apply to lower branches as well if not otherwise specified in the lower branch. The hierarchical tree is divided into the following levels:


The first level:

Display Units - units in which information is displayed on the screen.
Report Units - units in which information is displayed in the MS Excel reports.


The second level describes the following:

Fill Material - units for fill materials.
Cover Material - units for cover materials.


In the third level, you may adjust unit display for specific types of materials:

Laminated Board
Multilayer Board
Edge band


In the fourth level, you may describe the following for each material type:

Length - length display.
Width - width display.
Thickness - thickness display.
Quantity - quantity display. Depending on the method of material calculation, quantity is displayed in the units of length, area or volume.


The user may save the settings to the external file and transfer them to the system.

The installation of the Woodwork for Inventor add-on offers the following two configurations:

ww4i imperial units.wunits - setting units of measurement  in the imperial system.
ww4i metric units.wunits - setting units of measurement in the metric system.



hmtoggle_plus1iBox components copying option



Design Settings iBox Setup



1.A prefix added to the file name of a copied iBox component. The prefix can include a counter keyword {Count} which means that a product with the name whose base matches the specified base will be searched in the directory in which the interior is designed. If this component is found, the counter value will be increased by one so that each iBox copy has an individual name.
2.A base of the file name of a copied iBox component. The user can specify the base every time they make copies of components. To do this, you will simply have to specify the name of the copy, for example, Corner cabinet. All sub-components of the iBox component will be named accordingly as if in a tree structure. So a part from iBox can be named Corner cabinet 01.ipt, etc. If you would like to avoid trouble of naming files every time you make copies, you can enter the component keyword that will be used for automatic naming. For example, if you enter a keyword {Item.PartNumber}, iProperty Part Number field of the iBox component will be read and used as the base when naming a copy of the iBox component. You can enter keywords that are used for the output of properties of assembly components to the specification. (specify a location where the keywords are listed)
3.A suffix added to the file name of a copied iBox component. The suffix can include a counter keyword {Count} which means that a product with the name whose base matches the specified base will be searched in the directory in which the interior is designed. If this component is found, the counter value will be increased by one so that each iBox copy has an individual name.
4.The user can choose a location for saving the iBox copy:
Subdirectory means that a directory will be created for each copy; the name of the directory will be the same as that of the file. The directory will be stored as a sub-directory within a directory containing the entire interior project.
Same place as main assembly means that files will be copied to the same directory in which the interior assembly is stored.


5.Counter format used when naming iBox sub-components. For more detailed information about the functioning of a counter based on a tree counter, see here (link to tree counter section in the Assembly copier description)
6.You can disable this option every time you insert an iBox component. In such case, iBox copies will be created based on the rules specified in this window. These settings can also be adjusted when adjusting the general system settings. (specify a link to the description in the general system settings)
7.Specifying a library directory containing iBox components and their parts. iBox Insert function knows that components stored in this directory have to be copied to the workspace of the project. Components included in an iBox assembly and stored in the library space but outside this directory will be Reused, not copied. These settings are saved for the current Autodesk Inventor project.