N ok - Workpiece oversize adjustment

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The command assigns additional oversizes to the estimated workpiece.


To open the command, go to:


Woodwork Design –> Material –> Workpiece Oversize material_oversize32



Oversize 0




W4I_X_GrainDirection_FIllMaterialChangeStatus Fill Material Oversize

The command switches to a component selection mode. Using the cursor, you can select a component that has a Woodwork for Inventor material assigned to it.

W4I_X_GrainDirection_CoverMaterialChangeStatus Cover Material  Oversize

The command switches to a face selection mode. Using the cursor, you can select a face of the component that has a Woodwork for Inventor cover assigned to it.


Depending on the selection of material (fill or cover), the program waits until the component is specified or the face is specified in the model.



hmtoggle_plus1Fill material workpiece oversize adjustment


A selected part is enveloped with a transparent green-colored box which represents a part workpiece. An oversize selection dialog box takes the following form.



Fill material Oversize




Waiting for an oversize body to be selected. If the oversize has already been previously assigned, it is represented as an additional transparent yellow box next to the workpiece. If the oversize is equal to 0, then such a box is not represented. In this case a relevant side of the workpiece box is selected.


Switch over to workpiece selection for the next part.

Oversize value

Select oversize value. If none of the sides of the workpiece box was selected at the time of selecting an oversize, then the same specified oversize will be applied to all sides.



hmtoggle_plus1Cover material workpiece oversize adjustment


After selecting a part face to which a cover is assigned, its workpiece is represented as a transparent green rectangular. An oversize selection dialog box takes the following form.



Cover Oversize




Waiting for an oversize face to be selected. If the oversize has already been previously assigned, it is represented as an additional transparent yellow rectangle next to the workpiece. If the oversize is equal to 0, then such a rectangle is not represented. In this case a relevant edge of the workpiece rectangle is selected.


Switch over to workpiece selection for the next cover.

Oversize value

Select oversize value. If none of the sides of the workpiece rectangle was selected at the time of selecting an oversize, then the same specified oversize will be applied to all sides.




Important! The assigned material can have pre-set workpiece oversizes. For more information about the assignment of these oversizes, see section on the material assignment command. These oversizes can be edited later as described above.