N ok - Grain direction adjustment

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This command changes the component’s grain direction. Changing grain direction directly affects the material workpiece estimate. The command allows the user to change the direction of the fill material and cover material if such is applied to the part. Cover direction can be changed only for a Veneer type material.


To open the command, go to:


Woodwork Design –> Material –> Grain grain_direction32



Grain direction



W4I_X_GrainDirection_FIllMaterialChangeStatus Fill Grain

The command switches to a component selection mode. Using the cursor, you can select a component that has a Woodwork for Inventor material assigned to it.


W4I_X_GrainDirection_CoverMaterialChangeStatus Cover Grain

The command switches to a face selection mode. Using the cursor, you can select a face of the component that has a Woodwork for Inventor cover assigned to it.



Indicator that shows the selection priority at the given moment, depending on the type of material selected for editing:

Fill Grain – to change the grain, the user has to select the part.
Cover Grain – to change the grain, the user has to select the surface.


Once the selection is completed, the button switches to a different state, in which grain direction adjustment modes can be changed. These states are described below.



hmtoggle_plus1Fill grain direction adjustment


W4I_X__GrainDirection_ResetGrain Reset grain direction

Grain direction adjustment using an automatic grain direction search algorithm.


W4I_X__GrainDirection_SelectGrainReferenceSet grain direction

Selecting a different reference face of the part based on which grain direction and blank size is calculated.


W4I_X_GrainDirection_AlignByEdge Align to edge

Align to edge.


W4I_X_GrainDirection_SpecifyAngle Rotate grain by angle

Rotate grain direction at a specified angle.



By default, align to edge mode is always on.



hmtoggle_plus1Cover grain direction adjustment


After selecting a part face with a cover assigned to it, a grain direction indicator and additional selection options will appear on the face.



teskturos keitimas dangai



Synchronize with Fill

The direction synchronization of the selected face with the fill direction. After launching this command, the cover direction of the selected face is synchronized with the fill grain direction. From this moment onwards, the rotation of the grain direction is performed by rotating the fill grain direction. In this situation selecting a different grain direction for this face is impossible until synchronization is canceled.

All Faces

The synchronization of the cover grain with the fill grain is applied to all faces of a given part that have a cover material assigned to them.

W4I_X__GrainDirection_ResetGrain Reset grain direction

Grain direction adjustment using an automatic grain direction search algorithm.

W4I_X__GrainDirection_SelectGrainReference Set grain direction

Selecting a different reference face of the part based on which grain direction and blank size is calculated.

W4I_X_GrainDirection_AlignByEdge Align to edge

Align to edge.

W4I_X_GrainDirection_SpecifyAngle Rotate grain by angle

Rotate grain direction at a specified angle.