BOM and table types

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To ensure the production process, the engineer must provide not only graphic information in the form of drawings but also different specifications. These specifications provide information about parts, assemblies, general need for materials, etc. For wooden products, a specific nature of information is provided in specifications. The Woodwork for Inventor BOM generator copies this information from the model, processes it flexibly and provides it in the form acceptable within the organization.


Woodwork for Inventor specification forms are described in the MS Excel file. Such files are considered to be Woodwork for Inventor specification templates. Initial examples which are installed along with the Woodwork for Inventor add-on can be found in the Templates catalog located at:

C:\Users\Public\Documents\Woodwork for Inventor\2017\V7\BOM Templates.

In them, the user can, at his own discretion, control the method of exporting information about the product. In this way Woodwork for Inventor can easily be applied to the required business model.



hmtoggle_plus1 BOM classification and types


Based on the information content contained in BOM specifications, Woodwork for Inventor BOMs are grouped into the following categories:


1. BOMs containing information about the components constituting an assembly. Examples include a component code, its dimensions, the workpieces constituting it, and the material of the workpieces.


2. BOMs containing information about the quantities of materials required to produce an assembly. Examples include a material code, its total quantity, color, etc.


The dominant type of information in the BOMs belonging to the first category is information about the component. We shall call such an information container an Item which contains all information about the component. In the table field in the BOM template we enter a relevant item by which we specify what information about the component we want to see in this column. For example, the Item.Length column will contain a component length. It is to be noted that the item about the component has an access to the information about the materials constituting the aforementioned component. This access is similar to manipulation of information in the BOMs of the second type. The said information refers to the material of a specific component and not to the material itself or its quantity for the entire assembly. Click here to learn about the fields defining the component that can be manipulated when defining BOM templates.


The information container in the BOMs of the second category consists of information about the material. During BOM generation, Woodwork for Inventor scans the entire product and includes all materials used in the design of this product into a single table. Such an entry has a range of characteristics defining a given material. In the BOMs on material quantities, as in the case of component BOMs, the entry in the field of the table contained in the BOM template indicates what information we want to see in this table column. For example, the Material.Name column will display a material name. Click here for more information about what material-defining fields can be manipulated when defining BOM templates.


Based on the structuring method of the information contained in BOMs, Woodwork for Inventor BOM specifications are classified into the following types:


Structured BOM - BOMs of this type present the assembly the way it is created in the Autodesk Inventor model. These specifications show what component is included into which component. BOMs of this type belong to the specifications of the first category. In them, item information about a component is manipulated.


Plain BOM  - BOMs of this type only provide part lists which are called plain part lists. BOMs of this type belong to the specifications of the first category. In them, item information about a component is manipulated.


Material SummaryBOMs of this type provide a material list summary which shows what materials have been used for the assembly and what quantities of these materials are required to produce this assembly. BOMs of this type belong to the second category of specifications. In them, item information about materials is manipulated. A separate type of material summary BOM consists of material summaries by first level of products. This means that a summary material BOM is provided for each first-level subassembly included in the given specification. Let us assume we have a kitchen furniture set consisting of certain cabinets. In this cause, a summary is provided in separate tables: cabinet No. 1, cabinet No. 2, etc.



hmtoggle_plus1 Table types


In each BOM specification, the user can define tables in which information is generated, subjected to additional filtering and presented in the document. Currently, the following table types are used in relevant BOM specifications.


Structured BOM:

Full Assembly - full expansion of the assembly structure.
Woodwork Parts Assembly - expansion of the assembly structure including only Woodwork for Inventor parts.
Purchased Components Assembly - expansion of the assembly structure including only purchased parts.
Multilayer Board Parts Structure - list of multilayer parts with expanded structure of the workpieces constituting their layers.
Composite Part Structure - list of composite parts with expanded structure of the parts constituting the internal part.



Plain BOM:

Part List - general list of all parts.
Solid - list of solid parts.
Board - list of board parts.
Laminated Board - list of laminated board parts.
Multilayer Board - list of multilayer board parts.
Rod - list of rod (profile) parts.
Desktop - list of desktop parts.
Unit - list of purchased parts.



Material Summary:

Material List - summary of all materials.
Fill Materials - summary of all fill materials.
Solid - summary of solid materials.
Board - summary of board materials.
Laminated Board - summary of laminated board materials.
Multilayer Board - summary of multilayer board materials.
Rod - summary of rod (profile) materials.
Desktop - summary of desktop materials.
Unit - summary of purchased materials.
Covers - summary of all cover materials.
Edge Band - summary of edge band materials.
Veneer - summary of veneer materials.
Paint - summary of paint materials.


In each table, the user can specify column fields for providing information about desired item output field. For more information on this topic, click here.



When describing a template, the user must observe a specific template description procedure which can be found here.