Shrinking/expanding panels |
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This command is used to apply a scaling shift to the selected edges of the panel to shrink or expand the panel.
The command is accessible
Skeleton Dress Up –> Shrink
Select Panel
Waits for selection of which panel body to expand or shrink. |
Single Tangent
Allows you to specify the method for creating an assembly of panel side faces. ▪"Single" - allows you to select individual surfaces. ▪"Tangent" - includes the specified surface and all surfaces tangent to the selected surface.
Select All Edges |
Automatically collects all edges of the panel for expanding or shrinking. |
Shrink Expand
Changes the way the command works. ▪"Shrink" shifts the selected side surfaces in the direction that reduces the panel. ▪"Expand" shifts the selected side surfaces in the direction that enlarges the panel.
Thickness |
Specifies the amount by which to perform the rescaling. |