Post-Processor API

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The Woodwork for Inventor CAM module allows you to create or automatically generate the CNC processing technology for a part based on the CNC devices configured in the CAM module. However, the actual form of the CAM technology recording data within the system is the same for all machines. Each CNC machine has its own control language in which processing programs are written. Post-Processors are special programs that convert the data generated by the Woodwork for Inventor CAM module into machine-specific programs.


There are currently two possibilities to create such Post-Processors:


1.Post-Processors written in C#. This option is exclusively for Woodwork for Inventor developers and is therefore not available to external users.


2.The Post-Processor is written in Java Script. This system is open and can be used by any user of the system who has an understanding of:

a.Woodwork for Inventor CAM module, CNC machines and their control. It is intended for woodworking and processing furniture parts.

b.Knows how to program in JavaScript.

c.A basic knowledge of computational geometry would also be very useful.


All Post-Processors are open source and can be modified and adapted to your own CNC machines and company rules.


When Woodwork for Inventor is installed in the directory:


C:\Users\Public\Documents\Woodwork for Inventor\2025\v15\SDK\PostProcessors


You will find some examples of Post-Processors here and the “Woodwork for Inventor Postprocessor API Help.chm” file, which contains the interface for the Post-Processor objects.