Creation of materials groups

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The command opens the material editor.


To open the command, go to: 


Woodwork Design -> Material Editor Material Editor Icon


Material Editor



On the left side of the window of material editor, you will find database browser presented in the form of a drop-down tree structure. On the right side, you will find editing window for the active item, i.e. the item constructor (zone 4).


The browser tree has three levels:


1.Material type level.


2.Material level.


3.Material thickness level. This level allows differentiating the materials according to thickness (thickness range), if necessary. By default, CAM technology processing settings for any material thickness are used. If necessary, thickness range may be specified for materials, and different CNC processing settings may be used for each range. Placing the cursor on part thickness opens an additional window on the rights side of the dialogue for entering CAM technology settings. Information about the settings is available here.


4. Dialogue zone. It is used to display and edit the properties at the selected level.


hmtoggle_plus1Material type or color selection level
hmtoggle_plus1Material or color item
hmtoggle_plus1Editing default settings of a fill material
hmtoggle_plus1Fill material constructor
hmtoggle_plus1Multilayer board constructor
hmtoggle_plus1Venner material constructor
hmtoggle_plus1Edge band material constructor
hmtoggle_plus1Paint material constructor
hmtoggle_plus1Color creation constructor