Operation visualization and control in the side browser

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Once the operation is created, the sizing by saw item appears in the side browser.

We will look at the content of this item and operation editing possibilities.



Sizing by Mill Browser view


hmtoggle_plus1Content of operation item


The operation creates two suboperations at the same time: for cutting lengthwise (front and back) and crosswise (left and right).


1.Front and back sizing by saw item. The operation is given a name (Sizing by Cut) and a sequence number. The tool diameter is specified after a dash.


2.Spindle data and the data of the loaded tool. Additional information is provided in the bottom rows of this data block.


Characteristics of a cut:

a.Depth - cutting depth.
b.Breakthrough: setting the excess saw cutting depth
c.Scoring Pass: enabling/disabling the cutting of the top surface of the part.


3.The geometry block contains the information, which is registered as each individual generated trajectory for each cut (Cut1 and Cut2).
4.Left and right sizing by saw item.


hmtoggle_plus1Editing operation settings in the side browser


The operation item has the following context menu:



Calibration by Saw Operation context menu




Enabling/disabling inclusion of operation in the CNC programme.

Find In View

Finding all operation elements in the graphic display and zooming in

Reorder operations

Changing the sequence of operations in the tree. More information about changing the sequence of operations is available here.


Displays the spindle data window. In the window, the following properties may be edited:

1.Cutting feedrate
2.Rotation speed


Reverse Direction

Turns the cutting direction over to the opposite side.


Delete operation.



Double click

Enter a new breakthrough value.


Double click

Enter a new cutting allowance value.

Scoring pass browser control Scoring pass

Double click

Open a dialogue box for setting the parameters of the scoring pass.


Browser scoring pass editing


This dialogue box allows:

1. Enabling/disabling the scoring pass.

2. Changing the pass size.

3. Changing the type of cutting.


hmtoggle_plus1Editing the geometry block


The geometry item has the following context menu:


Calibration by Saw geometry Context menu




Enabling/disabling export of operation to the CNC programme.

Find In View

Finding the cut in the graphic display and zooming in.

Split to New Operation

Dividing sizing cuts into two separate cutting operations.



The following parameters of subitems can be edited further:



Double click

Enter a new breakthrough value.


Double click

Enter a new cutting allowance value.

Scoring pass

Double click

Open a dialogue box for setting the parameters of the scoring pass.

Browser scoring pass editing


This dialogue box allows:

1. Enabling/disabling the scoring pass.

2. Changing the pass size.

3. Changing the type of cutting.