The operation node has the following context menu:

Allows the user to turn on/off the exclusion operation into the CNC program.
Find In View
Finds all the operation’s elements in the graphic view and zooms them in.
Reorder operations
Change the order of the operation in the tree. About order operation changes read here.
Displays the spindle data window. In it, the following data can be changed:
1. Cutting feedrate: the speed at which the cutter moves with respect to the work material.
1. | Rotation speed: rotation speed of the spindle. |
2. | Tool direct landing feedrate: the feedrate of the landing of the tool into the material. |
3. | Tool approach to contour feedrate: the feedrate of the approach of the tool to the mill contour. |
4. | Tool withdrawal from contour feedrate: the feedrate of the withdrawal of the tool from the contour. |
Deletes the operation
Changing of the trajectory calculation method
Tool offset: brings up the node’s context menu. In it, you can select a method opposite to the current one. Or you can do this by double-clicking the left mouse button.

Editing the data of the geometry block
You can change the name of the geometry node. Also a context menu can be brought up where you can find the following options:

Excludes/includes the contour geometry when outputting the data to the CNC program.
Find In View
Finds the trajectory of the tool in the graphic view and zooms it in to the maximum
Reverse Direction
Reverses the direction in which the tool travels along the trajectory.
Deletes the trajectory. If the operation has a single processed contour and it is deleted,
the entire operation node is also deleted.
Also, the following parameters of the subnodes of the geometry node can be edited:
Depth Allow
Double click
Enters a new value. The value of the depth allowance changes. Along with it, the value of the Depth parameter also changes.
Step over
Double click
Enters a new value. The result is reflected only in the CNC program.
Finishing contour
step over
Double click
Switches between On and Off. If this value is on, this means that during the stepover pocketing operation, each time a given layer depth is reached, a finishing contour will also be milled. If this parameter is off, in this case the pocket pass will then be milled first, and then, in a single pass, a final contour will be milled with a finishing depth cut.
Contour <nr>
Context menu

Excluded: temporarily turns off/turns on the inclusion of the given trajectory in the CNC program
Find in View: Finds a given element and zooms it in the graphic view.
Delete: Deletes a given trajectory.
Double click
Brings up a menu for editing the landing type of the tool. In it, you can change the landing type and its parameters.

Finishing Contour <nr>
Context menu

Excluded: temporarily turns off/turns on the inclusion of the given trajectory in the CNC program.
Find in View: Finds a given element and zooms it in the graphic view.
Delete: Deletes a given trajectory.