All parts that are found in the assembly are classified by raw material. A separate tab is created for each raw material, which displays raw material sheets with the arranged parts.
Manipulating the Occurrences
For simplicity, occurrences will be referred to as parts.
Parts can be selected by means of the cursor; the selected part will be active.
Dragging the Parts
The selected part can be dragged to a different point of the sheet using the cursor. The part recognizes other parts on the sheet preventing overlaps. However, sometimes situations occur, in which parts have to be dragged over other parts. In such event, press and hold "Shift" key while dragging the part. Overlapping loop lines or lines that are outside the sheet are highlighted in red.
Rotating the Parts
The selected parts have additional handles that can be used to rotate the parts. The parts are rotated at a discrete angle, the increment of which is specified in the settings. To rotate a part over the other part, press and hold "Shift" key.
Commands for additional manipulations are available from the contextual menu that is opened by right-clicking the mouse.

Cuts the selected occurrence to a data buffer. Later, you will be able to paste the occurrence from the buffer to the desired location or a new sheet.
Copies the selected occurrence to the data buffer. Later, you will be able to paste the occurrence from the buffer to the desired location or a new sheet.
Delete Occurrence
Deletes occurrences from the sheet.
Refit Sheet
Automatically rearranges parts on the current sheet.
Flip Over X axis
Flips the part over X axis. Note. When the part is flipped over, holes will be facing down and will not be included in the CNC program. Therefore, when flipping parts over, take into account all the consequences.
Flip Over Y axis
Flips the part over Y axis. Note. When the part is flipped over, holes will be facing down and will not be included in the CNC program. Therefore, when flipping parts over, take into account all the consequences.
Find in browser
Finds the part in side browser.
Open in Inventor
Opens the part in the Autodesk Inventor.
Zoom Occurrence
Zooms in the selected occurrence.
Zoom Sheet
Zooms in the current raw material sheet.
Zoom All
Zooms in all raw material sheets.
Manipulating Raw Material Sheets
If the cursor is placed on an empty space in the raw material sheet, right-click the mouse to open the contextual menu and manipulate the sheet.

Crop Sheet
Crops the edges of the given sheet depending on the current layout of parts.
Delete Sheet
Deletes the entire sheet. All parts are transferred from the sheet to the buffer containing parts that did not fit in the sheet.
Sheet properties
Opens the sheet size dialog box. Here, you can change sheet size and indent values.

Refit Sheet
Automatically rearranges parts on the current sheet.
Zoom Sheet
Zooms in the current raw material sheet.
Zoom All
Zooms in all raw material sheets.