N ok - iBox components

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As already mentioned above in the introduction to the manual, Woodwork for Inventor add-on supports all the design techniques used with Autodesk Inventor. However, practice shows that the best results are achieved with the Multi-Body Skeleton method. Woodwork for Inventor has additional functionality: skeleton dress up, which offers additional functions of Multi-Body Skeleton method focused on the design of frame furniture. Pieces of furniture designed using this method are easy to modify and turn into library components that can be used in the design of a more complex product – the interior.


iBox component is essentially a skeleton component turned into an iBox component through the iBox publishing procedure. The designer has an arrangement of the interior volume – a concept represented as a set of bodies of furniture. We will refer to this concept as an Interior skeleton, and to a body representing the volume of a piece of furniture – as an Interior skeleton body. Insert iBox, a special function of Woodwork for Inventor iBox, is used to insert such component into an assembly of interior, automatically adapting its size and position to the body volume of the interior skeleton. Accordingly, you have to prepare the library of iBox components in advance. This design method speeds up the design process significantly, especially when it comes to kitchen design.


For more information, see the following sections:



Creating and publishing iBox components

Inserting iBox components

Refreshing iBox components