N ok Transfer of drawing positions to Woodwork for Inventor BOM

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Autodesk Inventor offers a functionality that allows transferring component positions from an assembly drawing. This numbering of positions is closely linked to Autodesk Inventor specification view. Autodesk Inventor program supports the following view types with their own numbering schemes:


1.Structured First Level BOM View: first-level components of the assembly are numbered.
2.Structured All Level BOM View: components (assemblies and parts) of all levels are numbered.
3.Parts Only BOM View: only part components of all levels are selected and numbered.



Woodwork for Inventor BOM generator can include this numbering in BOMs. This way, component positions in the drawing are synchronised. To achieve this, the following keywords can be used:


Item.StructureBOMPositionNumber: exports component position number from Autodesk Inventor Structured First Level BOM View.


Item.StructureBOMAllLevelPositionNumber: exports component position number from Autodesk Inventor Structured First Level BOM View.


Item.PartsBOMPositionNumber: exports component position number from Parts Only BOM View.



Important! Woodwork for Inventor keywords can export position values from the specified BOM view only if it was enabled in Autodesk Inventor. This can be done in Autodesk Inventor BOM generator or a drawing by specifying the positions and inserting a specification table in the drawing sheet. Otherwise, these keywords will return empty values.