N ok - BOM generator

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To ensure the production process, the engineer must provide not only graphic information in the form of drawings but also different specifications. These include information about parts, workpieces, overall need of materials, etc. Information about wooden products is presented in a specific manner. One of the most important functions of Woodwork for Inventor is automated generation of reports providing all information about the designed product required for manufacturing. The Woodwork for Inventor BOM generator copies this information from the model, processes it flexibly and provides it in the form acceptable within the organization. This function is performed by the BOM (Bill Of Material) command. The report generator provides its information in the MS Excel file format.


To ensure the functioning of the generator, you must have MS Excel installed on your computer. The BOM generator allows you to flexibly organize the data exported in different forms which are defined in the templates. Templates are provided as MS Excel files containing keywords based on which the final report tables are created. The user can easily modify these templates and adapt the information being generated to his individual needs.


The Woodwork for Inventor installation file contains BOM templates.

You can find them at: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Woodwork for Inventor\2018\v8\BOM Templates


Here are a few templates:

1.BOM Metric (EN).xlsx - BOM template in metric units (in English).
2.BOM Imperial (EN).xlsx - BOM template in imperial units (in English).


The following sheets are provided in these templates:

Product Structure - product structure BOM.
Composite Parts List - BOM of composite parts with expanded internal structure.
Multilayer Parts List - BOM of multilayer board parts.
Complete Parts List - complete list of all material part types.
Cutting Parts List - list of cutting parts.
Material Summary - summary of materials.
Material Sum by Products - material summaries by products within the assembly.
Rename Configuration - rename configuration provides a list of materials stating which material names come from the Woodwork for Inventor database.  If we speak about Purchased components, the names read from the iProperties component have been changed to different names during replacement configuration.



These templates can be used as prototypes and the user can modify them at his own discretion, adapting them to individual business needs.


Below are templates that illustrate other features of Woodwork for Inventor BOM generation:


1.BOM Metric (EN) Export for Cutting optimisation.xls - this BOM template creates BOMs that can be imported to optimum cutting layout programs.


2.BOM Metric (EN) Export to ERP by Part Name.xls - this BOM template creates full-hierarchy BOMs with links between the components. It can be used to recreate the structure when machine reading the BOM. The links are presented in two columns: node ID and its parent node ID. Component field named Code from the Woodwork for Inventor model data tree serves as ID.


3.BOM Metric (EN) Export to ERP by Unic number.xls - this BOM template creates full-hierarchy BOMs with links between the components. It can be used to recreate the structure when machine reading the BOM. The links are presented in two columns: node ID and its parent node ID. Internal BOM Number field from the Woodwork for Inventor model data tree serves as ID.


4.Simple Cutting List with Underscores Metric (EN).xls - length and width of the workpiece in this type of BOM is underlined according to the edge band legend.


5.Price calculation (EN).xls - this BOM template automatically calculates prices of materials. This type of template requires a Price list.xls file stored with the given BOM template.



The following sections lay down the rules to be followed when defining BOM templates and explain how to control Woodwork for Inventor BOM generator.


For more information, see the following sections:



Work and navigation in the BOM generator window