Hardware for Woodwor4Inventor creating example

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Hardware for Woodwor4Inventor creating example

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In this topic we will show how to create furniture hardware compatible with Woodwork functionality


As sample we will create Dowel for furniture plate connection. Dowel have two configurations: 8mm and 5mm diameter.




Creating an object made ​​the following stages


1.Create dowel iPart with 5mm and  8mm diameter.
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2.Create Hole for Dowel. Pay attention, that category of part we set to SUBTRACT and BOM structure of part we set to Phantom, because we don't need to account this object in Woodwork BOM.
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3.Join Dowel and Dowel Hole to one iAssembly. Set BOM structure of iAssembly to Phantom, because we don't need to acoount such assembly in Woodwork BOM
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4.Don't forget to add proper iMates to Dowel and Hole iAssembly.
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5.Test furniture hardware functioning
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